Zigmont Magic FX - Effect Specialist® Special Effects Designer Making Special Effectslook Magical At Your Next Event
Professional Artificial Snow Machine Rentals, Full Service Nationwide Technician Hire, Since 1995, We Offer Over A Dozen Different Professional Artificial Fake Snow Machine Rental Options To Select From.
Professional Grade and Professional Results Highend - High Performance Snow Machines. Our machines have Blowers that are 1400 watts. We are a global Special effects Snowmasters distributor of prosfeesional quality snow machines that rated for outside use as seen at Disney.
juli@globalspecialeffects.com Call 256.229.5551
We Do Disney Snow - Snow Past Clients
Our Complete Series of Snow Machines Quick Reference Guide
Snowmaster new V 2 Snowmachine Dual Pump monster
T 1100
The best snow machines on the market.
T 1500 max
Snow Storm...The Disney Machine
Demand the best woth the professional series snow machines Snowmasters Brand, Professional Results. If you machines is not doing this you have the wrong machine.
Let our Special Effects Designer help you make your event a unforgettable snow display, we have all brand of Professional Snow Machines. We are not a manufacturer of FX machines, we are a service base business able to spend 100% of our time focused on your event. Yes Food and Drink can be severed no problem.
Our Fleet of T 1500's – T 1100's – T 1000's T 1600's Evaporative Snow® Machine are all performance enhanced and stock snow machines from the factory will perform different than our enhanced snow machines. Our service of tweaking the performance of snow machines as we do for Theme Parks to obtain a unique result in magical looking falling snow. These improvement will save on fluid as well. The Results will provide smaller flakes at max volume as well as more volume in the air.
The Snow Machine Options and distance coverage
Professional Series of Snow Machines
For do it yourself rental, malls, Home - Business corporate parties, theaters, stage, city tree lighting, Santa arrival our Snowmasters line of Professional Snow Machines
Professional Series Refined Evaporative Snow Machines
Professional series is a refined evaporative dry snow spray technology good for all applications indoor and outdoors with economical fluid consumption. These machine produces the driest fake snow in the industry. Can be used by anyone.
(1) Our First Rental Option is the Snowman or Snow Wizard Decor Snow Machine;
Snow Machine On An Awing Snow
Machine On the Ground at a Doorway
SnoWizard - The Make It Snow Man, Our SnowMan™ are the hit of the snow falling event at Malls and Retail Shopping Centers. SnoWizard - The Make It Snow Man, Our SnowMan™ are the hit of the snow falling event at Malls and Retail Shopping Centers. We have packages with our Snowman snow machines and single placements of other high volume machines. SnowMan Evaporative time: 90 to 120 sec's/ 36° from floor and Shoots 15 - 30 ft Range. Snowman decorates any mall, home or yard and has the incredible ability to create a beautiful, realistic snowfall.
Can rent and use as a group of snowman or just one snowman with localized Mobility snowfall machines between placed in intervals apart. Great for Doorways or over doorways, on the floor or raised above the heads of the audience. A fine flurry snow the shoots 20' - 30' X 15' wide.
If you're in Florida we will Save Your Money on Services and Shipping cargo fees. We have a large inventory of all these listed models.
(2) Our Second Rental Option in the Professional Series is a T-1000 Mobility Fake Snow Machine;
The T 1000 snow machine is the # 1 rented snow machine for 10 years in a row!!
used with a grouping of Evaporative
snow machines together every
15 feet apart. Renting one or two machines overhead for an entrance outdoors or can use effect stand-alone with effect
fan. Example one or a grouping of two analog T 1000 fake snow machines,
like the mouse theme parks configuration 2000- 2009. Covers 300 square feet indoors and up to
1000 square feet outdoors. Our Choice for outdoor displays as it's the same
time proven machine Disney uses.
Output of The T-1000 is 15,000 Flakes or bubble clusters per minute.
Our T 1000's can be supplied with on board heater to withstand temperatures
into the teens or 17% F. Limited numbers of these low temp machines. Machines
noise level are at 78 DB's at 10ft Output.
in use, the machine makes a noise comparable to that of a vacuum cleaner
in the next room.
Seen in the video above 17 T -1000's placed 1200 ft 4 blocks 50 - 70 foot apart in Ybor City Tampa FL.
A T -1000 catching a breeze and blowing the snow
The Snow starting to coming off the roof is seen because of the theatrical stage lighting.
(3) Our Third Rental Option in the Professional Series is a T-1100 Professional Streamline Snow Machine DMX;
With the rental of the T-1100 you have a DMX command control snow machine allows control of Flake control in 99 steps of volume and flake size. The Snowmasters unit is very quite machine with a small footprint with High Volume throw, will cover up to 300 square feet indoors and up to 800 square feet outdoors nice dry snow. DMX on-board with duty cycle timer (5 and 15 min repeat cycle timer) stand alone settings. Good Choice for indoor snow curtains for walk through at the ballroom entrances. Can be used in an outdoor Plaza. This is the same nozzles as the T-1500's. Output of the T 1100 8,000 Flakes or bubble clusters per minute.
The T-1100 professional series snow machine noise level is 72 DB's at 10ft, which is named The Disney Specs Machine as used on Disney cruise ships and Disney accepted this sound level for over the audience show machine placement in The Walt Disney Theaters.
Don't confuse with CITC Little Blizzard snow machine or Silent Storm for being the quietest machines. They are foam lined consumer machines, meaning that they place foam insulation within the metal housing, but they are consumer machines. Our professional series T-1100 are foam lined plus they have a foam insulated custom designed quiet nozzle air flow. The T-1100 recently was compared by a side by side independent test by a Major Theme which found the T-1100 quieter.
To View the Overhead View and Width of The Snowfall Of the T 1000- T 1100 - T 1600
(4), (5) & (6) Our Fourth, Fifth Rental and Sixth Option in the Professional Series is the T-1500 MAX, T-1500 MINI Snow Zone Extreme and The T 1500 Mini Snow Storm Snow Machine Rental Options;
Disney Uses T 1500's and effectspecialist has been involved with Main Sreet snow since 2009.
Just one T 1500 Max we design the show, presented, demo and installed at Mickey's Playhouse Hollywood Studios
The T- 1500 Fake Snow Machines is the favorite evaporative snow machine rental in the entertainment industry today, because it built smarter and is integrated in the middle of a high output fan 4750 CFM with the MAX Model and a 3000 CFM with the mini model. With the driest snow on the market and can send artificial evaporative snow in the air up to 50 feet. The high output fan in a swivel case, supported by a strong, bracketed frame. These Snowmasters machines are supplied with super pumps spraying more snow than ever before. Can be used indoors, outdoors close to ground or on a Malls rooftop. The Fan is keeping more four time more volume in the air giving you the great coverage as well as breaking up the snow and drying the snow faster. These model have foam lined insulation within the nozzle for quieter operation. The nozzle of the T-1100 and T-1500 are the same.
In 2009 Disney from T-1000's and changed to T 1500 on their rooftops.
Offered in a 20 inch T-1500 MAX Model and a T- 1500 MINI in a 16 inch model
These snow machines offers the driest snow on the market and can send artificial evaporative snow in the air up to 50 feet. Shooting and spraying 50 feet out depending on the air flow and machine position. Having command control with 99 DMX Flake control steps. Four machines can cover an 80 x 40 depending on the air flow. DMX on-board with duty cycle timer (5 and 15 min repeat cycle timer) stand alone settings. Choice for entire ballroom coverage. Machines noise level are at 74 DB's at 10ft, Output of T 1500 mini 20K bubble clusters per min T 1500 Max 25K bubble clusters Flakes per minute.
To View The Throw Distance of the Snow Machines at Different Heights
To View the Overhead View and Width of The Snowfall of The T -1500
T 1500's Sprays where you need snow.
A 12 machine install at the Gaylord Nation Habor resort.
Snow at The Gaylord National Harbor Resort 2010.
Snow Storms snow machines used of roof top at Theme Park
Our Newest member of the T - 1500 Family The T 1500 Mini Snow Storm machine,The Snow Storm for Rooftops or ground based, blows snow up tp 75 feet with a 6000 CFM directional fan and 20-30 wide, snow consumption is min 45 min per gal, 18 amps because of the 6000 CFM wind and is 64 pounds. Shoots further then spreads.
The T 1500 Snow Storm first being used in our install in Hollywood Studios 2013
(7) Our Sixth Rental Option in the Professional Series is the T-1600 Professional Silent Snow Machine Whisper Quiet;
The T-1600 Snowmasters Snow machines has command control DMX Flake control and is the choice of movie productions and stage snows. Designed for stage, studios, theme (seen at Sea World) parks movies and performances with dialog where noise makes the difference. 68 db @ 3 feet. DMX on-board with duty cycle timer (5 and 15 min repeat cycle timer) stand alone settings. Produces more snow that the T 1100. out put of T 1600 12,000 Flakes per minute. These machines produce more snow than the T 1100. Machines noise level are at 68 DB's at 10ft Output. The sound output at the spray head is comparable to a hairdryer. The unit sprays a great volume of snow.
To View the Overhead View and Width of The Snowfall
(7) Our Seventh Option in the Professional Series is the T-5000 Snow Globe Machine for Indoor Ballrooms and Snow Zone Rental Option;
The T- 5000 is what we call the
Snow Globe machine as it covers a room 30 x 80 with one machine and can
be consider a Commercial line machine. This rental option covers 3500 square
foot area with Blizzard like conditions. Can be used at ground level as
well as hung from a truss or placed on roof top. We can configure our machines
to create a swirling blizzard conditions with snow traveling and blowing
long distances, plus snow high in the air to look like a true mother nature's
snowstorm. These Snowmasters snow machines were first design and made for
Illusionist david Copperfield for his touring snow. Now available for any
show and works well in theatres, filling a small theater with two of these
machines or a large theatre with 4-6 machines (Copperfield used 8). Can
be seen in Arrow Smith Concert tour. Machine is 80 DB's Output
of The T 5000 17,000 Flakes or bubble clusters per minute. Machines noise level are at 80 DB's at 10ft Output.
A special effect no one will forget.
To View the Distance and Throw Power of The T 5000
Green - Snowwizard/ Blue T-1000 - T-1100 -T 1600/Purple T- 1500 Mini,Max/ Red T- 5000
You can see the range difference between the T 1600 on the right and T 5000 on the left as the video show the two snow machines on at the same time.
(9) Our Eight Option in the Professional Series is the Sub Zero Snow Machine;
Sub Zero for snow in Freezing Weather outdoor events of indoor freezing room. This machine can be seen at Gaylord Texan Hotel & Convention Center. The snow machine hoses and fluid is always warm. This is a modified T 1100 snowmasters snow machine.
We also Offer a Weatherized T-1000 for Temperatures under 32% F.
(10) Our Ninth Option in the Professional Series is the Magic Lamp™ aka The Lamppost Snow Machine;
You can see the dark night sky over the lamppost snow machine to understand the output of the unit.
The Future Of Snow Machines The Magic Lamps with 3 Nozzles that Sprays 360 % and a 30 foot Circle
Now can be seen at Gaylord Palms, Busch Gardens, Legoland.
See Our Newest Snow Producing Device The Magic Lamp ™Snow Machine AKA Stree Lamp
The Magic Lamp™ on the set of Justin Bieber.
Magic Lamp Installation Instructions pdf
Call Magic F/X 256.229.5551
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Systems are Not Equal - Ever Wonder Why/Facts about Snow - SnowOption- Choices - Snow Clients
F/X specializing in Fake snow events, artificial snow machines for snowfall
events - full service production of simulated realistic snow falling events
and indoor blowing, snow machines, snow machine that produces snowfall
simulation for theatrical and visual effects , snowmaker, snowmasters,
snow maker, Snow Machine Generators.
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snow, snow manufacturer, snow products, snow system, magic FX snow system,
artificial snow,flakes, snowflakes, fake snow, fake snowflakes, plastic
snow, Snowcel, holiday window displays, theatrical snow machine, snow simulation,
snowfall simulation, snow machine snow maker snow machine for indoor snow
provides snow machine rentals and Snow falling presentations with turn-key
snow machine services We operate in North America United States we can
service you in the follow cities with speedy services in;
Snowfall Events for Entertainment Venues and Shopping Malls Service in
Alabama; Anniston, Birmingham, Dothan, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery,
High Range - High Volume Artificial or Fake Snow Flake Machines Services in Arizona; Flagstaff, Phoenix, Tucson, Yuma
Evaporative Snow Machine Service in Arkansas; Eureka Springs, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Little Rock, Monroe
Snow machines rentals from flurries to a beautiful full blown Snowstorm Blizzard Service in California; Anaheim, Antelope Valley, Antioch, Bakersfield, Burbank, Chico, Eureka, Fresno, Hollywood, Huntington Beach, Inland Empire, Lake Tahoe, Livermore Valley, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Medford, Monterey, Napa Valley, Oakland, Orange County, Palm Springs, Pasadena, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Temecula, Ventura County, Yuma
Evaportive Theatrical Snow falling Service and rentals in Colorado: Aurora, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Fort Collins, Grand Junction, Vail,
Special effects Service in Connecticut, Danbury, Hartford, New Haven, Stamford
Fake snow machines renting Servicesmachines in DC; District of Columbia
Evaportive artificial snow Service in Delaware; Dover, Georgetown, Wilmington
special effect fake snow machines rentals Service in Florida; Boca Raton, Daytona, Florida Keys, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Fort Pierce, Gainesville, Jacksonville, Marco Island, Melbourne, Miami, Ocala, Orlando, Panama City, Pensacola, Sarasota, Tallahassee, Tampa Bay, West Palm Beach
snow machine rentals Service in Georgia; Albany Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus, Golden Isles, Macon, Savannah
outdoor snowfall machine Service in Hawaii; Hawaii Island, Honolulu, Kauai Island Lanaie Island, Maui, Molokai Island
foam machine rental Service for Idaho; Boise-Pocatello, Coeur D Alene, Idaho Falls, Lewiston, Sandpoint, Twin Falls
falling snow machines with foam bubbles Service in Illinois; Bloomington, Champaign, Chicago, Davenport, Evanston, Mt. Vernon, Oak Lawn, Peoria, Quincy, Rockford, Springfield, Wheaton
Evaportive falling snow machine Services in Indiana; Evansville, Fort Wayne, Hammond, Indianapolis, Lafayette, South Bend, Terre Haute
Evaporating DRY Snow machines Service in Iowa ; Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Des Moines, Ottumwa, Quincy, Rochester, Sioux City
rentals of snow machine and sales of new machines Service in Kansas ; Dodge City, Goodland, Great Bend, Kansas City Lawrence, Manhattan, Salina, Topeka, Wichita
America's Finest Snow Effect Events Service in Kentucky; Ashland, Bowling Green, Elizabethtown, Hopkinsville, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Paducah
artificial simulated Snowfall machines FX Service in Louisiana ; Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport
inside snow machines used in a venue or outdoors rentals Service in Maine; Augusta, Bangor, Lewiston, Ogunquit, Portland, Presque Isle, York
artificial outdoor
snow falling machines Service in Maryland; Annapolis, Baltimore, Columbia, Eastern
Shore, Laurel, Montgomery County, Rockville, Salisbury, Southern,
Magic FX Service snow machines eventsin Massachusetts; Birkshire County, Boston, Cape Cod, Lowell, Springfield, Worcester, Service for Michigan , Ann Arbor, Detroit, Flint, Gaylord, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Marquette, Port Huron, Saginaw, Saint Clair Shores, Sault Saint Marie, Traverse City, Tri-Cities, Warren,
party foam machines Service in Minnesota; Duluth, Mankato, Minneapolis, Moorhead, Rochester, St. Cloud, St. Paul, Twin Cities
simulating snow flakes machines Service in Mississippi; Biloxi, Greenwood, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian,Service in Missouri . Clinton, Columbia, Jefferson City, Joplin
artificial snow event displays Kansas City; Ottumwa, Paducah, Quincy, Sedalia, Springfield, St. Joseph, St. Louis,
Snow making machine Service in Montana; , Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Glendive, Great Falls, Helena, Missoula
Snow falling events
rentals Service in California; Anaheim, Antelope Valley, Antioch, Bakersfield,
Burbank, Chico, Eureka, Fresno, Hollywood, Huntington Beach, Inland Empire,
Lake Tahoe, Livermore Valley Long Beach, Los Angeles, Medford, Monterey,
Napa Valley, Oakland, Orange County, Palm Springs, Pasadena, Sacramento,
San Diego, San Francisco,
San Jose, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Temecula, Ventura County, Yuma
Fake snow machine Services in Nebraska ; Beatrice, Cheyenne, Freemont, Grand Island, Lexington, Lincoln, Norfolk, North Platte, Ogallala, Omaha, ScottsBluff
special effect snow falling Service in Nevada; Lake Tahoe Las Vegas, Reno
Fake snow machines Service in New Hampshire; Concord Dartmouth, Lakes Region, Manchester, Monadnock Region, North Woods, Seacoast Region, Southern, White Mountains
snowmasters snow machines rentals Service in New Jersey; Atlantic City, Bayonne, Belmar, Bloomfield, Camden, Carteret, Hackensack, Hoboken, Jersey City, Montclair, New Brunswick, ewark, Old Bridge, Paramus, Point Pleasant Seaside Heights, Secaucus, Trenton, Wildwood
FX Snow machines Service in New Mexico Albuquerque, Santa Fe
special effect artificial
snow machines Service in New York; Albany, Binghamton, Brooklyn, Buffalo, Burlington,
Elmira, Hudson Valley, Long Island-Nassau County, Long Island-Suffolk
County, Long Island-The Hamptons, Manhattan New York City, NY City, Oneonta,
Queens, Rochester, Rockland, Staten Island, Syracuse, Utica, Watertown,
in North Carolina
Charlotte Durham, Fayetteville, Greensboro Greenville, Raleigh, Rockymount,
Western, Wilmington, Winston Salem
special effects snow falling machines Service in North Dakota; Bismarck Dickinson, Fargo, Grand Forks, Jamestown, Minot, Williston
artificial snow falling events machine Service in Ohio; Akron Cincinnati, Cleveland Columbus Dayton Lima, Toledo, Wheeling, Youngstown, Zanesville
falling snow events machines and Service in Oklahoma; Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Wichita Falls
snow falling FX machines renting Service in Oregon; Bend, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Portland, Salem,Service in
Special effect rentals Pennsylvania , Allentown, Erie, Harrisburg, Johnstown, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, State College, Wilkes Barre, York
artificial snow shows machine Service in Rhode Island; Newport, Providence
snow displays Services in South Carolina ;artificial indoor snow Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, Rock Hill
Foam machine Service in South Dakota; Rapid City, Sioux City, Sioux Falls
snowmasters snow machines Services in Tennessee; Chattanooga, Jackson, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri Cities
artificial simulated Snowfall machines FX Service in Texas ; Abilene, Amarillo, Austin, Bay City, Beaumont, Corpus Christi, Dallas, El Paso, Fort Worth, Galveston, Harlingen, Houston, Laredo, Lubbock, Odessa, San Angelo, San Antonio, Texarkana, Tyler, Victoria, Waco, Wichita Falls
artificial indoor snow macine Service in Utah; Provo, Salt Lake City
artificial indoor snowfall machine Service in Vermont; Burlington, Manchester, Middlebury
simulated snow flakes machines and Service in Virginia; Charlottesville, Fairfax, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Harrisonburg, Manassas, Norfolk, Northern, Richmond, Roanoke, Vienna
special effect artificial snow Service in Washington; Olympia, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Vancouver, Wenatchee, Yakima
fake snow machines rentals Service in West Virginia; Beckley, Charleston, Clarksburg, Huntington, Parkersburg, Wheeling
artificial snowfall events Service and rentals in Wisconsin; Appleton, Ashland, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Madison, Milwaukee, Oshkosh, Prairie du Chien, Racine, Rhinelander, Superior, Waukesha, Wausau
Theatrical Snow machines Service in Wyoming; Casper, Cheyenne, Gillette, Jackson Hole, Rock Springs
*Snowmasters invented the snow machine and holds the patents and licenses all Snow Machines Brands