Why buy the Kia of cyro jets when you can buy the Cadillac of CO2 jets for just a little bit more money.
Cheaper is never better its just cheaper, you have American Consumer DJ Lighting and then you have Professional High End Lighting.
You should buy the best Brand Cryo CO2 jets. This is our Cryo Sales Information page which has the best effects around. We have been in Business for 25 years doing special effects and Selling Cryo Jets since 1994, we are the most trusted name in the Special effects field Effectspcialsit.com®
Doing Cryo CO2 Longer than most any other FX company we are carrying the the most reliable professional cyro jet brands.
Buy the Leading Brand Static DMX CO2 Jet for $1100.00 The Cadillac of Cryo Jets. Options are colors; comes in Black or White, 3 or 5 pin DMX. Features a 15 ft quick connect/disconnect co2 hose. The Hanson ProSystems Co2 Jets have a 1 year limited warranty. Also is a CE Electronic Safety labeled.
The best cryo jet you can Buy, designed by American engineers and made to order. Buy the Leading Brand Static DMX CO2 Jet for $1100.00 The Cadillac of Cryo Jets. The Hanson ProSystems Co2 Jets have a 1 year limited warranty. Also is a CE Electronic Safety labeled.
Buy the original American Designed LED CO2 Jet $1429.00 The Cadillac of LED Cryo Jets Hanson ProSystems. Options are colors; comes in Black or White, 3 or 5 pin DMX. Can be custom. Features 15 Ft quick connect/disconnect co2 hose. The Hanson ProSystems Co2 Jets have a 1 year limited warranty. . Works on two channel DMX, Channel tqo slide works the color LED.
Buy the original American Designed LED CO2 Jet $1429.00 The Cadillac of LED Cryo Jets Hanson ProSystems The Hanson ProSystems Co2 Jets have a 1 year limited warranty. Also is a CE Electronic Safety labeled.
We are a Hanson Prosystems Dealer Tampa Florida
You have more than likely seen the imports or copy cats, that's not the Oringinal Design, Hanson Prosystems is the Brand.
How long will the Co2 tanks last?
This can vary because of different factors. The length of the hose, the length of your blast and the tank's size. (Example 1: With a standard 15 ft hose, 3 second blast and a 75 pound Co2 Siphon tank you can expect an estimated 3 minutes of effect and sixty 3 second shots.) (Example 2: With a standard 15 ft hose, 3 second blast and a 50 pound Co2 Siphon tank you can expect an estimated 2 minutes of effect and forty 3 second shots.)
Buy the original American Designed Swing 180 Cryo Jet For $ 1499.00 The Cadillac of Moving swing 180%. Cryo JetsOptions are colors; comes in Black or White, 3 or 5 pin DMX. Features a 15 ft quick connect/disconnect co2 hose. The Hanson ProSystems Co2 Jets have a 1 year limited warranty.
Buy the original American Designed Swing 180 Cryo Jet For $ 1499.00 The Cadillac of Moving swing 180%
We provide only the Worlds Best Brands of Professional Cryo Jet Systems. We can provide turn-key Cryo Jet installation, service and operation for Corporate Conventions, Sports Games, and special events along with Sales and Rentals of Special Effects CO2, Cryo Effects, CO2 Jets, Cryo FX Cannons.
Our Cryo Technicians are ready to assist you in making your convention event program or your conference award night look amazing. We will make your event perfect because we can employ many professional brands and cryo machine models such as Global Special Effects, Hanson Prosystem, Universal Effects, Sigma Services.
Monster Truck Show has Cryo LED Jets
This is your Tampa, Orlando, Florida, Southeastern and all 50 States in the United States cryogenic CO2 specialist connection, since 1997. With the Latest State of Art to instantly light up clouds of CO2 with vibrant colors to create different effects and Theatrics of imitating that of 'Fire' (orange or red light) or 'Clouds' (blue or purple light) or simply match the color scheme of your event or venue. We are a experienced full Service special effect company ready to make something" very special" happen at your event happen.
Zigmont Magic FX has the Latest Cryo Jet Equipment and cryogenic effect systems with built in DMX that can light up and appear to look like fire or ice. Color cryo with out washing the whole stage. Plus now with animatronic type 180 % movement for CO2 cryo jets. Working with all the best Brands of cryogenics systems not forcing just one companies Cryo FX tool box to do the job right.
Hanson ProSystem Cryo Effects
Hanson ProSystems The World Leader in CO2 Cryo Fog Production, Jet is designed to have a high light and CO2 output
Zigmont Magic FX has the Latest cryogenic effect systems with built in DMX that can light up and appear to look like fire or ice. Color cryo with out washing the whole stage. Plus now with anmtromnics type movements for CO2 cryo jets. Working with all the best Brands of cryogenics systems not forcing just one companies Cryo FX tool box to do the job right.
The newest Member of our Cryo gear Hanson pro System Designed and engineered in the USA. The Original Design not the china versions. We are Hanson Authorized Dealer. Cryo FX LED and 180 Swing if it not Hanson Prosystems its not the original design. Don't settle on a look a like product.
Light it up while keeping things cool with the Hanson ProSystems LED Co2 unit! One of the coolest products on the market and we are proud to say it was designed and engineered by us to create a truly dynamic show. With The colors LED Colors R/G/B/Y/P/C/O/W with the Plume height 27- 32 foot. Also with DMX 512, Specially designed HPS noise reduction nozzle, Adjustable spray nozzle manually adjust the angle of CO2 effect. there are many possibilities, for example you can make a typical CO2 jet effect look like fire by just adding the red LED. The CO2 jet spray nozzle can be adjusted as needed to control the spray position. This CO2 Jet is quiet and suitable to install on any truss or on the edges of any stage.
The have self standing Static cryo jet model, LED cryo jet model and the CO2JET DMX 180 Degree Swing anmtromnics type movements for CO2 and with two channel DMX control this jet takes it to a whole new level of Co2 effects
Hanson ProSystems, like many other companies with well-known brand names and innovative products, has been targeted by obscure and unscrupulous foreign manufacturers that are attempting to produce illegal aftermarket versions of our products. With apparent similar visual and functional characteristics at bargain pricing but not of the same quality and performance of our genuine Hanson ProSystems products.
Before you consider these counterfeit products, we ask you to first evaluate the following benefits of buying a genuine Hanson ProSystems product:
Original Design - Based on years of professional experience, we have feedback from customers and colleagues, along with research and on the field trials of various profession applications.
Premium Components - We attain the best consistent functionality, best light quality output, usability and special effect.
Authorized Dealer Network - We have a network of authorized dealers across the continental USA and international locations. These dealers are committed to our brand and may help you sample the products so you can make a better buying decision.
Counterfeit products could be hard to differentiate from our genuine versions at first glance, however, it is easy to identify a Hanson Prosystems product by the HPS logo, legal FCC certifications, warranty, serial number and QC stickers and of course, the quality of our products.
Now with anmtromnics type movements for CO2 cryo jets
HANSON Cryo Jet Hoses
Global Special Effects The Biggest Volume of ANY model Analog 1500.00 The Work Truck of Cryo jets
The Blaster Cryo Nozzle, largest output Ever!
The blaster Goal Post Cryo Jet
Testing Game Day Ice level Cryo jet effects for Intro
This is the biggest output in its class of cryo jet product that's on the market. These are not electromagnet valve but high tech solenoids. Our Newest 2010 model which produces more CO2 than any other model EVER! This is not the older silver box valve of the past. This is the newest electric solenoid packaged in the protective metal container. These plumes travel up to 40 feet. The biggest output in the industry with full hose size valve opening. We do not have a smaller size down orifice that the cryo flow through, it's a 5/16ths and 3/8 opening and a number 6 (1/4 inch) nozzle opening.
Global FX Signal and Double Nozzle Configuration on a Global Special effects Cryo Valve
Some different configurations of cryo effects and the controllers.
Our older Sleek Valve and Nozzle below , its the 7th phase in design that design
Sigma Services The orinigal Cryo Jet Model, The Inventors of the cryo Valve 1250.00
Sigma's own cryo valve #CHP-V analog C02 Cryo Jets
CO2 Bottle fitting nut and Stem 20.00
Extra Hoses are 8.50 a foot
Dewar Cga 320 Fitings
CO2 CGA AccessoriesPprice to Order
CO2 50 pound Siphon Tube Tank
Call Magic F/X 813.689.6269 for special effects
Universal Effects DMX Controlled Cryo Jets Disney's Choice of Cryo Jets The rolls-royce of CO2 Jets
We are please to offer in 2014 fantastic new line of innovative produces that you will not find anywhere else in America
Universal Effects DMX Controlled Cryo Jets Disney's Choice of Cryo Jets
We are about to change how America does Special Effects. Gear for concert touring.
We are the United States authorized factory Dealer Representative for Universal Effects which we selling to DisneyMini Stage CO2 Jet
The Mini Stage DMX and Non DMX Cryo jet system.
The cryo jets are DMX and can have LED lights to change the cryo’s color with a light wash coming from the cryo jet. You can daisy chain units and 3 units connected is 6 feet long.
You can place on truss set piece and design a total look with the LED's and bang cryo shoots out. These units use 1- 4 tank , and some can shoot 3 jets from one bottle of delivering a wonderful effect using less CO2 as the effect from a 50 pound bottle last 2 minutes.
If you search the internet you will find a good number of CO2 cryo jet system, I must say that their now consumer models, professional grade models to home made which you can see on Amazon and E bay. Many from models from China, In fact you can find Chinese models that are a cheap imitation before you see the real deal professional models as the Chinese have a real good e-mail and search engine marketing campaign. Some are cryo jets are reverse engineered from a model that was a professional made they bought and opened up. They have all the similar parts but no design behind it.
So their many copy-cats models and look alike models all look the same, yes their all going to release the CO2 Cryo into the air. These models have short comings such as on some China models with DMX shoot only for 3 seconds at a time, other release a lot less cryo, and other have issues freezing then not shutting off all the way and leaking gas.
So you better compare models and not just go with the cheap one. It's a lot like getting a Halloween consumer smoke machine at K-mart and comparing it to a professional model and make it perform at professional concert. There is American DJ Lighting and then there High-end Pro Lighting.
The dependability on models take years to know how reliable. Our models are working over 10 years. What we do are live special effect shows for Corporations and Pro Sport teams and the gear must work as planned every-time.
So we only recommend the brands we use, field test and then proven themselves over time. I can assure you the cryo jets that we use are professional model that were design by engineers and test and are labeled and hold CE or UL electric devices approved stamps are industry work horse. I have been in the cryo jet business 20 years and see them all come and go. We supply Disney Them Parks with cryo Jets so if you want the best Professional model call us.
I don't Build them as I am an end user as a professional Special effects artist.
Your Cryogenic Hose, Proactive vs. reactive the goal is to replace
before it fail.
Any time you find a leak, kink, severe bends or bad threads replace the hose.
Contrary to popular belief, hoses don't last forever!
Every high pressure hose has a life expectancy. This is
based on the amount of service the cryo hose provided and manner in which
it was used. Rule of thumb is a hose seeing 18 CO2 cylinder
changes per day, five days per week, will operate safety
for approximately 18 months. At this rate the hose been
connected and disconnected 12,960 times. Provided the
Do not attempt to recreate any FX effects seen on this site. We are professional
and only experienced and legally approved over 21 can provide these services.
Attempting to use propane with our the safety devices that are built in to our
gear as well as firing pyrotechnics devices without training is dangerous. C02
can be very dangerous if your not a Certified effect specialist.
Effectspecialist.com provides pyrotechnics displays and propane flames presentations with full services nationwide We operate in North America United States we can service you in the follow cities with speedy services in;